WINTON WAM100 LINKAGE MOUNTED HEDGECUTTERc/w 1m cutting width, suitable for tractors 35-50HP, 0.3T weight. Applications: Hedge tops and sides, tricky verges, paddock & pastures£4,680 +VAT Browse Images
MERLO TF27.6DEMOC/W front and rear LED work headlight, boom suspension system, GRAMMER air suspension seat, air conditioning and 12.0/75-18"12PR MITAS TR3 tyresPOA Browse Images
MERLO TF38.10CS TELEHANDLERDEMOc/w cab suspension, 10m boom, air conditioning, boom suspension system, air suspension seat and wide tyres (500/60-22.5 16PR)POA Browse Images
MERLO TF42.7CS TELEHANDLERDEMOc/w cab suspension, boom suspension system, air suspension seat, air con & 460/70 R24 TyresPOA Browse Images
BOMFORD KESTREL HEDGECUTTERS5.7m, Pro-Trim Head, electric control versions availablePOA Browse Images
KIOTI DK6020 HSTDEMO3 Cylinder 60HP Engine, 3 Range HST Transmission, 2 Double Acting Spool Valves, Loader Joystick Standard and Front Loader also available.£34,500 + VAT Browse Images
KIOTI RX 7330PC WITH LOADERDEMOC/W 420/85R34 and 320/85 R24 Tyres, 2 spools with detent, free flow return, loader with joystick and bucket£39,995 + VAT Browse Images
KIOTI K9 GREEN UTVDEMOC/W 24hp, sun canopy, floor mat, h/tip, h/door set, front window£18,850 + VAT Browse Images